I recently began purging another closet in our house and came across a giant box of about 1000 nickel nailhead I forgot I had stashed away. I'm feeling the need to put them to good use. They were originally purchased with the intent of making one of these:
Bryn made it look so easy and it probably is if you use the proper material (ahem!), corkboard NOT pegboard which is insanely dense and virtually impenetrable. Tried as I might I just couldn't get those little buggers to go in and stay in. To make any progress at all, I had to hammer so hard that previously hammered nailheads would pop right out of place.
Needless to say, I didn't finish this project. I don't remember exactly what happened to mine either. There are flashes of things being thrown, tears being shed, multiple glasses of wine being consumed.
Despite my epic fail at trimming out an inspiration board, I'm still in love with the look of nailhead trim. I especially love it when used in interesting patterns and in unexpected places.
Maybe I'll have to give nailhead another try.
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